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Life cycle of hair
Like hair, hair also grows continuously, so it is normal for it to fall out at some point to make room for new hair.
They grow an average of one inch per month and fall out when the growing hair and the hair that has finished growing touch each other.
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In summer, the problem of swollen, heavy legs really affects many people. It is generally a frequent problem in all seasons, but with the summer heat, which acts as a vasodilator, it is very common to come home at night with swollen, aching legs
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Halitosis, or bad breath, is a condition in which breath has a persistent unpleasant odour.
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Rosacea, more commonly known as couperose, is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, most frequently fair-skinned women between the ages of 30 and 50.
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But what is a tattoo?
Tattooing is the permanent colouring of parts of the body, either through the introduction or subcutaneous and intradermal penetration of pigments of different colours using needles or various sharps, or with...
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What is the prostate used for?
Its main function is exocrine: it secretes prostate fluid and, in cooperation with the so-called 'accessory seminal glands', produces sperm.
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Sweating is a physiological mechanism that the body uses both to disperse excess heat and to eliminate toxins, and generally varies from a minimum of half a litre to a maximum of 2 litres of sweat per day depending on two parameters:
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Learn about the causes of abdominal cramps, associated symptoms and possible treatments. Read our article for useful information on managing abdominal spasms and pain.
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Spring is the season in which symptoms related to seasonal allergies manifest themselves the most. Flowering plants, mild weather and the awakening of nature:
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Le smagliature sono alterazioni della pelle generalmente legate allo sviluppo e alla gravidanza. Sono chiamate anche “striae distensae o atrofiche” e rappresentano uno dei più frequenti inestetismi del sesso femminile, ma anche gli uomini ne soffrono.
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E’ la più comune malattia dei capelli e colpisce circa l’80% degli uomini e il 50% delle donne nel corso della vita.
Si verifica generalmente tra i 30 e i 40 anni negli uomini, ma può a volte interessare anche i giovani uomini ventenni.
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Le mani screpolate e secche sono un problema piuttosto diffuso sia tra le donne che tra gli uomini, soprattutto nei mesi invernali.
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